Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and with it comes food and family! We love spending the day in the kitchen preparing a feast fit for an army and packing the house full of people who matter most. But along with all of the fun can come some chaos. In crowds and kitchens there are risks lurking everywhere for a baby. Keep these four things in mind to keep your baby or a visiting little one safe while enjoying your Thanksgiving holiday:

  1. Gathering the Supplies
    A trip to the grocery store is an essential part of preparing for your Thanksgiving. When you have to bring your little one along, it’s important to ensure they are safe in the store. Always check the cart for safety straps to secure baby in the seat. If your baby is still in an infant carrier, finding a location with Safe-Dock can help ease your shopping experience and make sure your child remains safe in the cart.
  2. Kitchen Crawlers
    Chances are your baby could make his or her way into the kitchen. Keep any sharp objects or utensils out of reach of tiny hands. Also be mindful of any hot surfaces your child could come into contact with. Be sure to turn all handles of pots and pans toward the wall so they are out of reach of your child. Never hold your child while cooking. When your cooking is complete and it’s time to enjoy all your hard work, scan the kitchen to ensure all electrical items have been unplugged, your oven and stove have been shut off, and any hazardous items have been placed in an elevated area.
  3. Did You Just Eat That?
    Parents of children with allergies, this one’s for you. We know you’re an expert on your child’s allergy and take extreme care to ensure he or she doesn’t come into contact with any dangerous food. To prevent contamination of your little one’s food on Thanksgiving, make sure you prepare his or her plate yourself. If you didn’t cook the meal yourself, talk to the cook to confirm they didn’t use any ingredients that might cause an allergic reaction. If your child is less than one-year-old and you are unsure about his or her allergies, stick to a typical dinner instead of experimenting with new food on Thanksgiving.
  4. Make Play Time a Safe Time
    You may be traveling to a friend’s or family member’s house for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, not every home is as baby-friendly as yours, so be sure to check the area for hazards. Make sure fireplaces have been covered to prevent little ones from getting into them. Hide any small toys that may pose a choking hazard. Watch out for sharp table edges, and plug any easy-to-reach electrical outlets to protect those little fingers.